1000 PsychoSushiClan Whitelists by coNFT
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1000 Whitelists of PsychoSushiClan by coNFT
Psycho Sushi Clan is a deflationary collection of 3333 Sushis, Each NFT is capable of leveling up to ultimately reach Mythic status.
You can stake any rarity of Sushi to earn our native token (name to be decided).
Native tokens can be used for:
● Leveling up your Sushi NFTs
● Purchasing our custom Merch
● Entering exclusive contests/draws
● Reviving Sushis from the graveyard
○ Any un-minted Sushis will be minted by us and added to the graveyard where they will be purchasable with our token.
○ A portion of revenue generated from marketplace royalties and merch sales will be used to buy and kill lowest floorprice sushis to add to the graveyard.
Level up to MYTHIC – level up your Sushi to reach Mythic status. Mythics have reached their final stage of eveloution, earning the most native token daily.
Staking will be released following the final batch mint, with level ups and contests released shortly after.
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