90s Ape Club


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Public Mint Date:

05 Sep 2022-06:07 am (UTC)

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90’s Ape Club is a collection of 5,555 unique NFT with 90s vibes and was created as a place for 90s kids (both in age and spirit) to come together for the next big rise of the internet: the Metaverse.

– Fully doxxed team

– Art created by an award winning artist Keivo

– IRL utility live NFT conferences for holders

– 90s themed game ApeWood set in alternative 1991 Hollywood

– GENESIS sold out!

The 90’s was a magical time – the birth of the internet and email gave rise to CompuServe, Prodigy, AOL and more

For many of us, culture and music reached a pinnacle: MTV was still playing music videos. The music of the 90s is forever etched on the playlist of our lives: 2Pac and Biggie, WuTang. Ja Rule, DMX, Brittany, No Doubt, Nirvana.

And the fashion! The bright neon scrunchies, Hot Topic studded belts, chain wallets, slap bracelets, and JNCO jeans that sagged so low they defied the laws of physics being taught in your high school science class.

Any of this sound familiar? You might just be a 90s kid! The 90s is a state of mind, and we welcome all who embody the spirit of the decade!

Our goal at 90s Ape Club is rekindle that nostalgia. As a collective, we control our own destiny in the Metaverse with multi-cultural collaboration, 90s themed parties around the globe, and building an impassioned vision of the future – we want to make sure that this important era is preserved on the blockchain forever – and we want you to be a part of it with us.

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