
Event Closed

Project's Details:
  • Share

Pre-sale Date:

01 Jul 2022-04:00 pm (UTC)

Pre-sale Price:

SOL: 0.5

Public Mint Date:

01 Jul 2022-10:15 pm (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

SOL: 2

Maximum Supply:

10000 Total

Event Category:

  • NFT Drop

A total of 10,000 soldiers enter the Solana blockchain and are ready to sacrifice all for you! There are 9 unique armies, based on color, you can mint, buy, sell, and trade to prepare for battle. Each soldier is unique and serves a purpose in your army. The more soldiers you own the more prepared you will be for the giveaways and roadmap excitement!

The real fun starts after all soldiers are deployed. Based on rarity traits and number of soldiers in the holder’s army (wallet), chances to win a trip to Texas, USA for tank training where the winning holders will be able to drive a tank and even blow things up!

After the tank event the officers will be focused on fulfilling IRL collectibles! These collectibles will be made available to all holders. Added benefits will go to those holders with high numbers of enlisted soldiers.

Finally a video game will be developed that will use the enlisted soldiers in the holder’s wallets to play. This will ensure that the community survives and the soldiers’ thirst for battle thrives for years to come!


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