Awk Monks


Event Closed

Project's Details:
  • Share

Pre-sale Date:


Pre-sale Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.01

Public Mint Date:

17 Jun 2023-10:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.024

Maximum Supply:

1250 Total

Event Category:

  • NFT Drop

We are a group of 8,888 Awkward Monkey NFTs living on the Ethereum Blockchain. Every Awk Monk is a unique, one-of-a-kind piece of NFT Monkey Art. Owning an Awk Monk NFT entitles you to some incredible utility, including huge giveaways, exclusive merch, access to Awk Monk’s Metaverse land, a chance to make your own Awk Monk short film, and much more.


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