Before Dawn


Event Closed

Project's Details:
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Pre-sale Date:


Pre-sale Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

08 Dec 2022-12:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): Free

Maximum Supply:

7000 Total

Event Category:

  • Free Mints

Twitter Page:
Why Before Dawn?

Darkness lasts until dawn arrives, as indicated by our name Before Dawn. We are in the darkest hours in the crypto industry, with all of us affected by various incidences: the depreciation of our coins; the Luna and FTX massacre; the greatest economic recession since the Second World War, the still on-going Russo-Ukrainian War, and the possibility of a Third World War – we are becoming increasingly pessimistic and rapidly losing faith.

NO WL, ONLY AIRFROP for this raffle

Mint Information:
Name: Before Dawn
Supply: 7000
Mint Price: FREE
Mint Date: 12/8
Launchpad: Mooar


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