Blood Sucker Club


Event Closed

Project's Details:
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Pre-sale Date:

05 Aug 2023-12:00 am (UTC)

Pre-sale Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.0066

Public Mint Date:

05 Aug 2023-12:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.0088

Maximum Supply:

2500 Total

Event Category:

  • Collectible

Many decades ago, a colony of Blood Sucker travelled away from Earth, out to unknown space and started a new society . After years of struggles and natural selection, a new species was born. The new race developed a felonious intelligence and an impressive war tactic.

Slowly the new born species took over the ancient guard and started a new political party. The party was formed with the single vision of conquering the universe and funding their Headquarters on planet Earth!

To Be Continue ….


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