Brawler Bearz


Event Closed

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Public Mint Date:

05 Sep 2022-06:07 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Maximum Supply:


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The Brawler Bearz (8888 supply) is an animated pixel NFT that combines tactics, training, and fighting into a mobile first game linked to your NFTs faction, stats, and items.

This set of raffle winners will receive a FREE AIRDROP of 2000 access passes that will allow entry into a private discord, private giveaways, and a free mint of a brawler bear in the near future.
There will also be a public access pass mint for 444 @ 0.01 ETH max 1 wallet each.
Access pass details can be found on the site

Bearz Mint Cost: TBA
Bearz Mint Details: TBA but soon

The wars of fathers took over the world with just a few buttons. The world has become inhabitable primarily due to nuclear fallout. The remaining societies travel about Neo city, otherwise known as “The Underground,” in search of survival. Several factions exist, and the battle for supremacy reigns daily. All the bearz lived a once customary and solitary existence but have been forced into a dystopian nightmare where only the brawlers can survive.
> Ironbearz
These bears live for pumping iron and maintaining their overall physiques
> Techheadz
Highly intelligent bearz with a love for technology and innovation
> Geoscapez
These bears love adventure, exploring the wasteland and discovering its secrets
> PawPunkz
Anti-society rejects with a connection to local gangs and outsiders, these guys know how to get out of trouble as much as they do getting into it

Neo City

Bearz Sneak to come

Fight or die. This is the way of the brawlers.

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