Canna Man


Event Closed

Project's Details:
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Pre-sale Date:


Pre-sale Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

15 Jan 2023-10:00 pm (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): 4.2

Maximum Supply:

420 Total

Event Category:

  • mint

CannaMan is the superhero of our time who can preserve our ecology and protect it from the threat of high-tech progress.

Thousands of things that surround us and are used by can be made environmentally friendly, more profitable, and of high-quality thanks to a product which has been associated with something frivolous for many years – hemp.

Plastic is one of the biggest global problems of the 21st century. Still, even it is not subject to the super abilities of CannaMan, because he is its solution — biocomposite and cellulose.

Biocomposite materials based on technical hemp in most economically developed countries of the world are considered an extremely promising material for introduction into everyday life. Compared with other composite materials, hemp bioplastics have many significant advantages, namely: strength, lightness, the potential for 100% decomposition after the expiration of its service life, low cost even compared to traditional plastics made from petrochemical products, and disproportionately less negative impact on the environment during its production than similar natural materials.

The second main ability of our superhero — CannaMan— is to bind significant amounts of hydrocarbons, preventing the spread of the greenhouse effect on Earth. During growth, hemp absorbs a huge amount of CO2, binding the hydrocarbon inside its cells and generating oxygen for the environment. Thus, by manufacturing biocomposite materials from hemp raw materials, the industry “binds” the excess hydrocarbons to the planet for a long time. At the same time, the production of plastics from fossil raw materials generates significant emissions not only of hydrocarbons but also of other toxic products.

CannaMan’s NFT this is not only a beautiful acquisition for connoisseurs of digital art, it is also

– Profitable purchase for connoisseurs of digital art
– Unique utilities for NFT’s owners
– And the most important thing is

– You are contributing to the development of a new system of eco-technologies, where the balance between humanneeds and the needs of nature is perfectly maintained!

Together we will make our world better and cleaner and preserve our ecology!

Let’s do it together!

If you still have questions after reading this document, you can send them by e-mail.
We will try to respond as soon as possible.
Enjoy your viewing and thank you for being with us!


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