Cosmic Lover


Event Closed

Project's Details:
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Pre-sale Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

18 Nov 2022-12:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.0066

Maximum Supply:

666 Total

Event Category:


Cosmic Lover, the perfect human imagination, embraced by ∞ galaxy. With the delicate face, sexy curves, and the purest soul, Cosmic Lover is the perfect lover guiding you towards the paradise.
An NFT project bring both music and art experiences, found your cosmic lover by minting this collection, 666 pieces with 666 unique songs and images. Ownership of the NFT comes with complete publishing and masters rights for the associated song. Originals will be available for downloading after mint.
Musician: PokeB
Visual: Lina, Liam
Supply: 666
Mint Price: TBC
Genesis Collection | A Gateway to music/art NFTs by emerging artists from Asia.

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