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We want to unlock Web 3’s full potential and push decentralization to its limit by essentially undergoing, what we like to call, a social experiment.
We are developed a platform for holders to use for both phases. That platform would also allow users to get in touch, vote, and submit their disruptive ideas to us.
The project can be separated into 2 phases:
Phase 1
Constellation 8888: Learn and Earn
Separate holders into 4 different groups, with the allowance of voting on 1 web3 project per token. Essentially we will be guiding the community throughout each of the 4 projects. Each group will decide on the trajectory of the ventures, and with our resources, will learn and be a part of every step of the way, dissecting and learning everything about the web3 ecosystem, from project development to smart contracts, marketing, community building and everything in between.
Earnings of each of the 4 projects will be redistributed to the community.
Throughout all 4 projects, we will be on the lookout for the most talented and most engaged individuals within the community.
These individuals will be rewarded further.
Phase 2
Project Pegasus/ DesArts Ventures
We will be releasing a pitch template on the mentioned platform. Our holders will be given the right to present a disruptive idea, fill out the template, and submit it. Holders that present disruptive venture ideas will be introduced to our panel of investors (private and institutional). We will provide these ventures with funding as well mentoring to scale such a disruptive idea.
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