Femmes Bizarre by Salamandre


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Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

05 Sep 2022-06:07 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

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1. About

Femmes Bizarre is a collection of digital artworks running on the Ethereum network using ERC721 tokens. Set of uncompromising art was originally handcrafted on paper by a young femme talent, then scanned and transferred via soft to generate 11111 Femmes Bizarre.

The backbone of this story is the vibrant talent of a 17-year-old artist and our faith in
her genius. We transmitted hand-crafted art pieces into digital in the most
delicate way. Keeping their energy. Reflect on it, relate to it, protest against
it or just let it go through your mind and body — anything we expect Art to be.

2. Purpose of the project

To make art alive in the heads of our followers. To breathe the soul in created characters.
To replace new personalities, not characters, but real personalities (like people around us) into Metaverse.
To create a new ubiquitous art brand based on the works of our very young and talented artist Salamandre.

3. NFT Details – how many are there, features, traits, characteristics…etc

There are 3 Femmes Characters:

• gangsta wife Matilda
• wild hunter Uma
• secret agent – baby Lilu.

300+ hand drawn traits, definitely there are some very rare (0,2%).
This number can allow to generate much more than 11111 of NFT pieces but we just love the beauty of this number 11111.

Journey to meet mysterious strangers and dive into Femme Bizarre world.
● 25% — First giveaway. 25 randomly picked Femmes Bizarre NFTs will
delivered to wallets holding at least one Femme Bizarre.
● 50% — Second giveaway. 50 randomly picked Femmes Bizarre NFTs will
delivered to wallets holding at least one Femme Bizarre.
Make sure you have a proper sound system to enjoy a special DJ-set made in collab with an iconic artist.
● 75% — Third giveaway. 75 randomly picked Femmes Bizarre NFTs will
delivered to wallets holding at least one Femme Bizarre.
Collection of customized couture merch will be launched.
● 100% — Matilda, Uma, Lilu with Femmes Bizarre team will collect 100 NFTs of 10 promising NFT collections and make a great giveaway for existing Femmes Bizarre owners.
– Chairity — sponsoring the project of chess classes for autistic kids.
– announcement of Road Map 2.0

5. Charity

Big part of our project is about charity.We believe in help and charity in particular. Not only does it have a great impact on society, but also is deeply rewarding for the one who helps. That’s why we decided
to focus on a direction that makes very personal sense to this project. Many children
with autistic disorders struggle with all spectrum of communication skills. Mother of
our artist has devoted her entire professional life to help these children understand
words, read them, articulate them and have a healthy and fulfilling life.
It’s very important to see the result of the donations. That’s why We are going to invest into a project aimed to help youngsters with autistic disorders. In particular, implement a program based on chess lessons that helps kids to improve their communication skills and have a healthy and fulfilling life.

6. Team

• Artist — Salamandre, female, 17 y.o.
• Team Lead — Darya, CEO & founder of a commodities trading company
• Financial Guru — Gugo, Private banker with 25+ years experience
• Art director — Zeth, in charge of bringing technology and art working together
• Development — D&S, software engineers with a passion for NFT
• Music Supervisor — Damian, an aspiring music producer and songwriter with an eclectic music taste
• Communications — Yana, PR manager trusting in content, art and storytelling

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