Frosty Narwhals


Event Closed

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Public Mint Date:

22 Dec 2022-12:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.03

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Founded in 2021, Frosty Narwhals is a US based project of 4004 NFT Narwhals focused on charitable giving to help solve real world problems. Modern problems require modern solutions and the Frosty Narwhals project strives to bridge the gap between real world problems and web3 implementation. With ocean pollution at an all time high and increasing, the problem needs a two fold approach, preventing the delivery of pollutants to the ocean, and by cleaning up the existing pollutants in the ocean. Realizing how big of an issue cleaning up the oceans actually is, the Frosty Narwhals team set out to create a project that united a substantial group of people under the common goal of seeing a 90% reduction in Ocean plastic by the year 2050.

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