Go Milky Legen-dairy Raffle
Event Closed
GoMilky Public Legen-dairy List Raffle!
Go Milky is partnering with the March of Dimes to bring awareness to preterm birth and educate on prenatal/postnatal & newborn health.
✅ Approximately 1.5 million babies die per year because their families cannot access the necessary and often inexpensive treatment.
✅ Go Milkys mission is to contribute to widening the access families and pregnant people have to education and support to experience healthy pregnancies.
✅ Go Milkys artist and co-founder are women of color and their founding team is fully doxxed.
✅ This project is on behalf of a not-for-profit organization, March of Dimes . March of Dimes provides neonatal support and education for newborns and families in NICU.
Mint Details
🍼 Mint Date: Thursday November 3, 12PM EST
🍼 Mint Price: 0.01 ETH Legen-dairy List, 0.02 ETH Public
🍼 Website: https://gomilkynft.com/
🍼 Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoMilkyNFT
🍼 Discord: https://discord.gg/gomilky
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