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Attention all decent prisoners!
Our plan and date of the mass escape are revealed by the police!
Escape under threat! We are changing our plan!
We will run away in small parties of 150 people every day!
The first day will be the easiest to pass! Public Mint start – 04 OCT 2022
Every day it gets a little harder to escape!
The bribe to the guards will increase slightly every day.
On the first day of the escape, the bribe will be 0.011 ETH, and on ten days the bribe will grow to 0.018 ETH
After 1500 Hustlers have escaped, they will help arrange a mass escape for another of their brothers using the Premint platform 15 OCT 2022
The Hustlers Quest is a NTF collection featuring 3300 unique animated NTF characters: Humans, Goblins, Zombies, Apes and the rarest Masks. All of them are hardened crooks, by chance they escaped from prison.
Once you get your own Hustler, you will be able to mint other NFTs for him for a small fee or for free participate in robberies, underground sweepstakes and receive awards.
For many successful actions, your hustlers will be greatly rewarded, it all depends on your personal luck.
There are rumors that even a robbery of the NFT gallery is planned and someone will be lucky enough to get an NFT card from one of the top collections of the Open Sea. Maybe…. Nobody knows for sure.
Good Luck!
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