Lyke Island GEN2

Sold out in Time Frame

SOLD OUT sold-out

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Pre-sale Date:


Pre-sale Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

16 Jul 2022-12:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.06

Maximum Supply:

3000 Total

Event Category:


Waitlist Registration
What this means is that you’ll get to mint first-come-first-serve after the allow list mint stage and before the public mint. No roles will be given in the discord. These wallets will be added directly to the contract, so you can show up when your time comes and mint GEN2.
Lyke Island GEN2: ‘The Inhabitants of Lyke Island… and where they went…’
GEN1 was 120 land plots that made up Lyke Island…

But have you ever wondered what the Lyke Islanders look like? Have you ever mused where they all went?

Join us as we continue to piece together the Lyke Island story….
Inhabitants: 3000
New fully animated special plots (can only be claimed, not minted): ~90 (at launch)
Mint price: 0.06E
Mint date: 16 July
GEN2 will explore the inhabitants of Lyke Island (people, animals, mythical creatures, supernatural, extraterrestrial)… and where they went after a mysterious event occurred on the island.

There will be 3000 randomly generated and curated inhabitants made up of a range of hand-drawn traits.

As well as being ranked by their traits, the collection will include a number of 1/1’s and rare individuals (people, animals, mythical creatures, super-natural, extraterrestrial), some of whom belong to a family or group.
Some individual inhabitants will unlock a special animated plot, telling the story of where that inhabitant went after a mysterious event that occurred on the island.
Some special plots will be unlocked by collecting all of the inhabitants from a group or family. For example, collecting all members of the Hegarty family (The family who live in the Lighthouse from GEN1) would unlock ‘Hegarty’s Starbase’, their new home on the moon.
Or minting Ash and Mike (Creators of Lyke Island) will unlock ‘Lyke HQ’.
Post-launch, all GEN2 holders will be entered into a regular lottery with the winner receiving an exclusive unique plot, airdropped to your wallet, which tells the story of their inhabitant and its new location.
GEN1 Collection: (GEN1 holders receive 2 free mints and 2 paid mints)

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