Mayfair Witches


Event Closed

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Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

07 Mar 2023-12:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Maximum Supply:

6666 Total

Event Category:


In partnership with AMC, Orange Comet is proud to present this complex world full of witches, vampires, and all things mystical & supernatural to Web3.

We invite you to join our community, made up of spiritualists, witches, and all manner of powerful beings. This is a community of enlightened, like-minded people who are eager to share ideas, learn, and support each other.

Your next adventure starts here with the MAYFAIR WITCHES PASS, an astonishing NFT collection of empowerment, belonging, and a celebration of what makes us unique. This epic pass is your entry into a realm where your mystical avatar journeys through the enigma of all that comes alive when you embrace your spiritual self, leading to a virtual collect-to-earn Metaverse like no other.

The Mayfair Witches Pass is your key to enter Anne Rice’s Immortal Universe, and they come in three (3) different Rarities:

▍GIFTED (70%)

OF COURSE each pass will grant you mysterious powers and allow you to cast a spell on the blockchain, and will also give you access to exclusive members-only benefits which include:

▍Access to the Immortal Universe where you can Collect-2-Earn
▍3 signed Mayfair Witches Scripts and other autographed items
▍Special guests to join exclusive Discord, including tarot readers, fortune tellers, astrologists, inspirational thought leaders, etc.
▍Scheduled “Witching Wine Hours”, where the community can connect virtually (and magically) to empower each other (first one to take place March 2023)
▍Access to trips to filming locations for Mayfair Witches and other supernatural/spiritual locations
▍Giveaways of spellbox gifts containing lotions, potions, and tinctures
▍Access to Limited Edition Physical Commemorative Item
▍Access to Free Airdrops of Mayfair Witches NFTs
▍Access to Exclusive Limited Editions of Mayfair Witches Mints


Your first step into the Witching World is to join the Allow List.The Mayfair Witches Pass Allow List closes March 3rd, 2023.
Mint date for the Mayfair Witches Pass is March 7th, 2023 on OpenSea.

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