Meta Memory Lane


Event Closed

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Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

05 Sep 2022-06:07 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

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🕯️ Meta Memory Lane is all about creating and making space for family, friends and loved ones that we lost and endlessly miss, all the ones who are no longer with us. As blockchain is permanent, we thought nothing would be better than the blockchain to preserve the memory and honor those close to us that we have lost.

🕯️ We have started this project by opening up 100 GENESIS NFTs, available on Opensea. They represent 100 famous but never forgotten names that left a remarkable signature on earth. Every owner of a lovely Meta Memory Lane GENESIS NFT will be able to mint a ForeverSpace in the Meta Memory Lane metaverse.

🕯️ We will be opening on our website, the Meta Memory Lane Gravestone Mint. This is very exciting for us to share with you, as it will be a first in the NFT Space. After each gravestone is minted, the owner has the option to engrave the name/nickname of their lossed loved one directly on the NFT image and metadata through our website. This engraving is permanent, can only be done one time to each gravestone, and will represent the lossed loved one on the blockchain for eternity.

🕯️Looking forward, we are finalizing bids and seeking out the best location in the Sandbox for us to begin building our Meta Memorial Lane Metaverse. Once 50% of the meta gravestones are minted, owners will be able to mint a ForeverPlace in the Meta Memory Lane Metaverse.

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