
Event Closed

Project's Details:
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Pre-sale Date:

10 Dec 2024-12:00 am (UTC)

Pre-sale Price:

SOL: 0.019

Public Mint Date:

15 Dec 2024-12:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

SOL: 0.039

Maximum Supply:

111 Total

Event Category:

  • minting

Our universe was divinely designed by the Immortal Angels. The Oracle is who we are. Introducing 111 painstakingly created NFTs, which are far more than simply profile photos. Combining the renowned Retardio and the iconic TARDIO ANGEL universes, this collection ushers in an epic mint saga.

We will introduce our own unique currency prior to the start of minting, ushering in a new era of digital art and collectibles. Come along on this historic trip with us; 1 Solana is the starting floor price. Additionally, holders of our NFTs will be eligible for future prizes and special airdrops.


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