Nezha boy NFT


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Public Mint Date:

05 Sep 2022-06:07 am (UTC)

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After more than two thousand years of evolution in the Chinese God Realm, the gods have completely retreated into the crowd.
Secretly protect the land of China and protect the descendants of Yan and Huang. At the beginning of the 21st century, the world once again began to fall into turmoil, and a new period of chaos was upon us. At the same time, a new technological explosion coincides with a halo recovery.
The God Realm Ranking is about to be reborn, and the Nezha boy representing the youth of the Z era reappears. Z, represented by the Nezha boy, is full of challenges and unyielding in this era, and it also represents Z’s reconquest of the world. My destiny is determined by myself, in line with Nezha’s spirit and will.
Z, represented by the Nezha boy, is sending positive energy to the restless world, awakening Chinese civilization and returning to a peaceful and civilized world. The whole world will be watching and no one knows what will happen.

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