Otties Lodge


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Public Mint Date:

10 Nov 2022-12:00 am (UTC)

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Otties Lodge is a cute art style, artist driven pfp project inspired and hand drawn by Jen Fassino. You may know Jen as a Twitter Spaces host, an agnostic community builder who supports the growth of existing projects, and an active member of the satellite event scene. Jen created the Ottie’s Lodge collection to express her creativity and embrace her love for the NFT community. As an artist, her ability to create the project will simultaneously support her bootstrapped start-up, Gath3r is a Web 3 native event discovery and management aggregation platform. The Gath3r MVP provides Web 3 exclusive communities, businesses, projects, and individuals the ability to discover, plan, and claim access (wallet integration) to IRL events.
Ottie’s Lodge sole utility is focused on the development of Gath3r beyond the MVP phase, which is already complete and about to go live. While Jen is the founder of Ottie’s and Gath3r, these are completely distinct entities that do not overlap. Her Ottie collection is a creative way to bring cute culture to the NFT space while supporting her tech start-up venture that’s focused on connecting Web enthusiasts together through events/meet ups.

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