Skelectables NFT


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Public Mint Date:

05 Sep 2022-06:07 am (UTC)

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The Skelectables are doing alright for themselves it must be said!

They have really started to thrive in the Skeleverse, in their past lives they were mainly armed robbers, con artists and jewellry theives! They have taken all their knowledge from their criminal Earth life and have successfully adapted the learnings to take advantage of their new environment.

Their features have morphed and changed over time due to the harsh environment of where they now co-exist with complete scum from the Earth. Somehow some can even still grow hair and facial hair, there are some with tattoos and different eye wear while others who were jewel thieves on Earth have gold teeth and piercings. They have access to weapons that include axes, pitchforks and even guns amongst other stuff!

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