Skeletal Cats

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Project's Details:
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Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

16 Jul 2022-11:00 pm (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): Free

Maximum Supply:

3333 Total

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All cats start off with 9 lives. Each rebirth brings them a little closer to death. Once a cat has gone through 8 of their lives, they are either granted entry into Paradise, or fall to The Abyss. The cats that bow down to none, who rebel against the norm, the outlaws, are cast down to The Abyss, reborn a Skeletal Cat.

Skeletal Cats are a collection of 3,333 unique, randomly generated NFTs living on the Ethereum blockchain. Each Skeletal Cat is unique and generated from over 180 possible traits, face, headwear, clothing, and more.

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