Sportswar World Cup Ⅱ


Event Closed

Project's Details:
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Pre-sale Date:


Pre-sale Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

30 Aug 2022-12:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.09

Maximum Supply:


Event Category:


Mint Website:
Opensea Collection:
Uniswap pool:
1. Mint time: September 7 ( 12:00 UTC) – September 9 (12:00 UTC)
2. Mint price: 0.09 ETH
Number of Mints:6,400
Max amount per address: 2
3. Benefits of whitelist: airdrop of platform tokens
For all ETH addresses on the whitelist, we will take a snapshot of the number of Sportswar Mystery Boxes on that, and will conduct an airdrop of platform tokens accordingly as below,
– Holding 0 Mystery Box NFT : 150 Token
– Holding 1 Mystery Box NFT : 500 Token
– Holding 2 Mystery Boxes NFT : 2,000 Token (40 USD)
– Holding 3 Mystery Boxes NFT : 4,000 Token (80 USD)
If you do not have a whitelist, the airdrop reward you can get will be 50% of the whitelist one. If you sell it out , NO rewards of airdrop tokens. Snapshot time: A random time between the end of Public sale to the opening of the Mystery Box. PS: If you have Whitelist address , you will get 150 tokens rewards even without minting.

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