sTaSiS by Dr. Saens
Event Closed
Long have I sought the undiscovered, the unturned, the unearthed. Peculiar and odd, these unusual organisms captured my interest…roaming the waters of the Mouth of Severn. Curiosity…eventually turning to obsession
Their beauty…I cannot bear the thought that they should never be seen again. Do not think badly of what I did…for my treasures do not deserve death…they serve a higher purpose..
The echo from the deep…there is not a moment I do not hear it…not a second where I do not see glimpses of the great and awful power…
I offer you my innocents….sacrifice two….and I will show you what I have see…
180 tokens, ERC-721
All 1/1, all GIFs
3 Phase project
Phase 1: sTaSiS
Phase 2: hEReTIC
Phase 3: mInDfLaYeR
They think me a heretic….FEEBLE MINDS..
Will you heed the call of the deep…..?
Kind regards,
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