Survive The NFT Winter


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Public Mint Date:

30 Sep 2022-12:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.025

Maximum Supply:

5555 Total

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LOCATION : the darkest and most brutal winter in the world….. Antarctica
We’ve entered the deep NFT Winter anon. Good thing you’re equipped with the most badass creature in the entire world; the Emperor Penguin. Male Emperor Penguins battle the most brutal winter conditions on earth, all while holding a newly laid egg between its feet while the female recovers at sea.
Survive The NFT Winter is a social coordination experience, where you’ll battle the deep winter by working together with your frens, preparing yourself for what comes next. Watch as your NFT dynamically adjusts based on the decisions you make and the overall market conditions. Do you have what it takes to survive?
Your NFT Adapts Based On The Choices You Make & The Price of ETH
Mirroring real life, survival is a byproduct of the choices made with huddling as well as the overall market conditions (represented via the price of ETH). Watch as your NFT dynamically adjusts based on whether or not you’re huddled with frens, or the price of ETH, strengthening as you huddle or ETH rises, & weakening as you leave a huddle or ETH drops.
Phase 1: The Huddle
Born into the harshest environment that exists, and having to balance an egg between their feet, male Emperor Penguins all band together to form massive huddles to combat the Antarctic winter. Without these huddles, the emperors cannot survive the winter.
Just like our IRL friends, your NFTs open up the ability for you to work together with your fellow degens and form huddles that will prove incredibly vital should you want to survive. Create your own huddles & get others to join, or join existing huddles & get stronger by all working together. Neglect to join one or leave a huddle, and well, Antarctica winters are no places for a lone penguin, just sayin. Don’t say you weren’t warned anon.
Hint: a huddle of say, 20+ penguins, produces more heat than a huddle of 5.
Phase 2: Survive
I mean, we can’t tell you EVERYTHING out of the gate. Where’s the fun in that?
But what we CAN tell you, is that if you were/are a baby of the 90s, also known in these circles as ‘boomer,’ recalling on the fun of Tamagotchi & Oregon Trail will paint a solid picture of the experience.
And just look at this little guy below, who wouldn’t want to take care of that little cutie.

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