The Island


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Public Mint Date:

05 Sep 2022-06:07 am (UTC)

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An NFT collection that is here to take you on a journey over the next few years as characters in a live story, whilst also working in the background to make all holders of the NFT as much income as possible with future potential crypto-dividends.

Our NFT collection is based around a place called The Island.

The Island was created by a group of 10 called The Unseen. They are ancient beings that have created all of the life around them. They create these islands as a form of entertainment, in order to see how the lifeforms on them will progress. Usually, they destroy themselves, however, The Unseen play a steady hand as well.
You see, the Unseen can decide if catastrophes or miracles happen on The Island. Each catastrophe or miracle causes a repercussion to the population that exists on The Island. 5 NFTs of the Unseen will be available for mint.

The interaction of different inhabitants on The Island may also cause changes to the Island’s population. If 2 groups meet and get along, they would inter breed and we would have an evolved species created. Or if they didn’t get along, then part of the population would get wiped out.

Overall, the characters on The Island never stay the same.

We start out on The Island with 2 characters: The Gemmies and The Angry Bears.

The Gemmies are the resource of The Island.

The Angry Bears:The story goes that in another world genome editing occurred on bear cubs to make them more human like.

As generations of these gene edited bearcubs evolved they started to integrate themselves into human life. Although their population grew, and they started to live in bear houses, they would be forced to do all of the menial, underpaid and horrendous jobs that humans didn’t care for anymore.

To say that they were treated unfairly is an understatement. Their oppressors started punishing them for not doing tasks well enough or quick enough. They would deny access to food, water or fresh air. Treated like servants, living in squalor, with No Fear left in the humans, the bears were on their last legs.

Then a group of them known as the angry bears revolted and went on the attack. But they were thwarted, there was a snitch, an insider agent against them and they had to run.

They grabbed their things and their families and they ran back into the dense forests of their forefathers and they kept going and going and going whilst being chased by the humans.
they made it to a cave, a dead end. And as they rann into The Cave and feared for their lives
They found themselves on the island, and as the last angry bear came through, this portal closed.

Confused, they’re trying to figure out where they are, who else is here, and how they survive. And in the back of their mind the question still exists: who is the snitch, who was it that made them come to this unknown world and how do they get back home.

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