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New nft project by Tosiqyu: PFP/P2E collection of 10,000 NFT. Collection of 10,000 unique nft. With lots of characteristic features. Including rare, very rare and exclusive ones.
What is The MoodGuys?
Each unique token avatar of The MoodGuys collection symbolises the power, the energy that is given to every human being by nature. This power is hidden inside us from birth. Power or energy. It doesn’t matter what you call it in yourself. It’s there. And it needs to be embraced. It’s that set of unique traits and abilities that everyone has. And everyone’s set is also unique. You have to learn to listen to your inner voice. It is your voice, not the voice of centralised systems. To unlock the potential that nature has given you, you have to create the best of yourself, to be useful to the world around you. You have to share your experience with those who need it. After all, if you can help yourself by learning something, teach it to others who really want it and thousands, maybe even millions, around you will be saved. And of course, you have to have your own view of the world, your own core. Create and follow your inner self. And then you will find the power that the universe has given you. The MoodGuys is the power of the human self.
– WL is open;
– A new amazing story of characters, most of which are hand-drawn and created by artist Marta Verba artist
– Collection minting distributed in 4 parts of 2500 NFT each one;
– Each token is an identifier for entering the P2E game The MoodGuys
– Each The MoodGuys token is an avatars for entering the project lands in the Metaverse. Entrance to our lands in the Metaverse is only through The MoodGuys token
– By purchasing nft The MoodGuys, you are participating in charity and giving gifts to children in orphanages around the world (see Roadmap);
– Detailed unique Roadmap and smart contract (5% royalty from each resale to the original mainer of The MoodGuys for life)
– Each holder of The MoodGuys token becomes a member of a closed club of token holders. Each member of the club will receive unique privileges
– The price in Wl is 50% lower than the price on the public mint
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