The PokeXVerse Whitelist


Event Closed

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Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

08 Aug 2022-02:00 pm (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.13

Maximum Supply:


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Did you have a beautiful childhood with super lovely pokemons? Do you have a special love for pokemons with extremely unique abilities? Do you ever wish to own them for yourself?
The time has come. You can now own your pokemon as an NFT, Play with it, level it up or even trade it on opensea.
PokeXVerse is the first NFT-Integrated P2E Pokemon Server. Our web2 server has been online for 12 years and now we are jumping in the Metaverse to be one of the biggest Play to Earn experience.
Limited amount of shiny pokemons NFTs can be minted.
Shiny pokemons have 20% more power than normal ones and extra set of spells, allowing holders to exp faster and make more cash in game which in return means mor earnings.
We will start our pledge mint on the 8th of august at 2:00 PM UTC.
No gas wars. No FOMO minting. 100% automated.
A new, smooth and better minting experience.
Read more about our pledge mint:

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