The Trolls NFT
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The Trolls NFT is a 3D 8K quality project that is backed by a real life utility. What is the utility you may ask? is one of a kind job board website that is being developed as we speak.
Tired of doing the same job? Can’t find the time to apply for something better?
Not to worry! AutoJobify is your match-maker for jobs. Our Auto Apply system helps users apply to jobs when they aren’t even online. Our Auto Apply algorithm uses the data you provide to match you with the perfect job. The best part is: whether you’re sleeping or spending time with family, as soon as an Employer posts a job, the system applies for you AUTOMATICALLY.
We’ve worked hard to curate the best jobs from all over the internet so you don’t have to search through hundreds of listings to find exactly what you’re looking for. We’ve also designed our platform with the user experience in mind. Simply use your phone or computer, and go from browsing to applying on AutoJobify.
**Jobs will never end as they are the future of our present**
Holder Perks
1️⃣ Use the auto apply system for free to get a better job if you are interested.
2️⃣ Passive income from Ads, earnings from the auto apply system, and Job sponsorships from Employees ( Basically paying for more to keep their add on top of others)
3️⃣ Become shareholders of the company.
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