Twitterscan Pass


Event Closed

Project's Details:
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Pre-sale Date:


Pre-sale Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

30 Sep 2022-06:00 pm (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): 0.08

Maximum Supply:

5000 Total

Event Category:


About TwitterScan
TwitterScan is an open, user-driven and collaborative information aggregation platform that provides data analysis of crypto market and NFT market.
By capturing twitter information relating to crypto and NFT market, TwitterScan, a one-stop platform, presents multi-dimensional key information, such as attention grabbed by project, number of whales following project and project pricing, and helps to quickly locate hot projects, judge high-quality users, explore new projects and identify hot topics, greatly simplifying the process of user information acquisition and effectively helping users make investment decisions.
TwitterScan digitizes KOLs’ influence, setups whale verification system and incentivize KOLs to build up their credential with high-quality contents. TwitterScan serves as bridge between project owner and KOLs. Leveraging KOLs’ influence, TwitterScan can assist project to grow their user base and brand awareness.
TwitterScan Pass
Holders Benefits:
Exclusive Feature: Eligible to register your desired 3-4 digits “.NFT” domain name on a priority basis.
Improve the odds of getting the whitelist to the Highlight NFT Collections.
Access to TwitterScan premium functions, get watchlist’s real-time alerts and discover more investment opportunities.
Unlock the upcoming useful data analysis features.

Launching Information:
WL Mint Supply:5000
Supply of TwitterScan PASS:9999
Drop Date:Sep.30
Mint Price:0.08ETH
Official Links

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