Uncle Max🐶 | Mint on 1st June 12pm UTC


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Public Mint Date:

01 Jun 2023-12:00 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Maximum Supply:

1111 Total

Event Category:


Minting on 1st June @ 12PM UTC Supply- 1111 | Max WL | (30Mins), 333 FREE(fcfs) Mint Price: 0.0098e/NFT, 3 per Wallet
Public Mint will start 30mins after WL Mint.
Utility: FREE Token Airdrop of $Max for Uncle Max NFT holders.
Token id 1-800 will get 3x coins.
Token id 801-900 will get 2x coins.
Token id 901-1111 will get 1x coins.
Tokenomics Breakup will be posted soon.
In the land of dogs, there lived one Uncle Max, A furry friend who was both talented and lax, His skills were many, his talents diverse, And all who knew him, thought he was averse.
He could cook up a feast with just a flick of his paw, His soups and stews left everyone in awe, He taught pups to fetch and roll over with glee, And he sailed a ship across the endless sea. When the pipes burst and the plumbing went awry, Uncle Max was there in a blink of an eye, With his trusty wrench and a steady hand, He fixed it all up, just as he had planned.
He was a wonder, a marvel, a true renaissance pup, A master of all trades, a legend, a sup, Uncle Max was the dog that everyone admired, His talents and skills could never be acquired. So, if you’re in need of a cook, a teacher, a plumber, Just give a shout, and Uncle Max will not slumber, He’ll be there in no time, with a wag of his tail, Ready to help, and to never, ever fail.

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