Vas Cranii Collection
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The Vas Cranii Collection is a first of its kind literary-themed PFP NFT project. A stunning collection of 8,008 generative NFTs set to pave the way for a whole new genre of art in the NFT Ecosystem. Inspired by the Latin maxim Morte Vita Est ~ In Death there is Life , each Vas Cranii(Skull Vase) is an artistic symbolism of life as it flourish with a myriad of colors while entwined with the eminence of death. A thought-provoking project evoking a profound appreciation for the delicate harmony between life and death. Every Vas Cranii has been carefully inscribed with a Latin maxim from a vast selection of over 700 works of literature, each a celebration of the rich and deep influence of Latin to modern literature. This revolutionary project immortalizes the timeless wisdom of the greatest philosophers of history on the blockchain. Bringing them to life in a unique and interactive way by providing collectors with a connection to the art using utilities such as stakes, merchandise access, commercial rights, communities and so much more.
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