

Event Closed

Project's Details:
  • Share

Pre-sale Date:

23 Nov 2022-05:00 pm (UTC)

Pre-sale Price:

SOL: 2

Public Mint Date:

23 Nov 2022-05:10 pm (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

SOL: 2

Maximum Supply:

1337 Total

Event Category:

  • minting

⚡ ViktorDAO – Giving Power Back To Holders ⚡

Founded by Viktor – a Cofounder and CMO at Heavenland, ViktorDAO aims to provide everything that an average web 3 user would expect.

ViktorDAO represents a foundation that already manages and will manage services related to web 3 but also real business. This will ensure regular inflow of funds to help ViktorDAO foundation to develop, grow, acquire more businesses and reward members of ViktorDAO on a regular basis.

💸 Revenue streams 💸
Below you can find main services that ViktorDAO will focus on and manage and finally, to which ViktorDAO holders will have special rights and power to influence which direction the focus should be concentrated:

🤖 Discord Bots
🎙️ Social Sites presence
🛀 Web 2 business (Skincare business already generating revenue)

💳 V-Pass NFT
V Pass (Victory & Viktor) Pass is an NFT launched by ViktorDAO. Each NFT will grant its owner a possibility to:

– Access to the Exclusive ViktorDAO Discord section and chats
– Have Free access to discord bots developed by ViktorDAO team
– Discounts for All ViktorDAO services (bots, ViktorBath & Co. products..)
– Staking
– DAO Voting
– Revenue Share
– ViktorBath & Co. rights

💵 Buyout & Win guaranteed mint
If needed, ViktorDAO will be sweeping all V-Passes for 48 hours after the mint on Magic Eden using royalties coming from sales on the secondary market to hold the floor at least at mint price.

This will ensure everyone a guaranteed “not possible to lose” mint.


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