

Event Closed

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Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

05 Sep 2022-06:07 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

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A timeline-based set of NFT art pieces that include every substantial event of the Russo-Ukrainian war, illustrated by hundreds of creative people representing visual art: oil, 3D, motion, generative, calligraphy, abstract and more. Each token is a real news piece from an official source representing a different day in the conflict and an illustration from the artist. Such an exposition of concrete and steadfast language of news on the one side and empathic and free-spirited soul of art on the other. It’s a chronicle of the new age, where technology, art, and history meet. The main idea of this project is to immortalize the truth in the works of Ukrainian and international artists and sell them to those who want to support Ukraine.

The 1st drop, which took place on March 30th, netted more than $600,000 in 24 hours. The 2nd drop, which was released on May 1st, included works of several prominent artists. The 3rd drop, released on July 21st, is still available for purchase at the website of the META HISTORY museum — the largest charitable NFT project in Ukraine which was launched a month after the start of the Russian aggression. All proceeds from the sale of Warline’s NFTs will go to the Ministry of Digital Transformation to meet the current needs of the state. META HISTORY uses a smart contract agreement that sends money automatically to the addressee. The 4th drop will be released on July 28th at 20:00 (UTC 0+).

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