Wyvern Saga


Event Closed

Project's Details:
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Pre-sale Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Public Mint Date:

05 Sep 2022-06:07 am (UTC)

Public Mint Price:

Ξ(ETH): -

Maximum Supply:


Event Category:


Wyvern Saga are collection of 8.888 NFT art. With it’s own uniqueness each
and it living in ETH Blockchain.

Our Main Goal is :

1. Bali Island as the vacation island, we try to help the economic of the Bali people who devastated by the pandemic

2. We really focus on our NFT buyer. Wether it’s Flipper or Holder type of investor, We have a plan for all to have a good investment in our nft!

3. Why not investing while got some vacation? We try to focus on the vacation utility. For starter it’s Bali Island. but who knows for the next vacation trip plan?

4. We’re focus as a second liner in every NFT project

Join our Discord to know more about us!

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