Yes Bear NFT
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Yes Bear is a unique collection of 6,666 Pixelated NFTs that live on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-721). Featuring a myriad of distinct and powerful traits, the Yes Bear collection offers its holders access to a branded toy collection, an immersive mobile game featuring holders’ favorite Yes Bear NFTs, token-gated merchandise drops, an exclusive expansion collection mint, and more to come!
The Roadmap
Q4-2022: Launch Yes Bear NFT collection.
Q4-2022: Sponsor bears conservation organizations
Q4-2022: Delivery merch to selected holders.
Q1-2023: Begin creative design process for Yes Bear Toys
Q1-2023: Begin building 2nd NFT expansion collection – Yes Bear: Untold Secret
Q2-2023: Begin creating playable Yes Bear demos.
Q3-2023: Launch token-gated Merchandise Line
Q3-2023: Launch Yes Bear Toy Line
Q4-2023: Publish Yes Bear games to iOs and Google Play App Stores
Q4-2023: Launch the 2nd NFT expansion collection – Yes Bear: Untold Secret.
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