The history of the Web and its future of it
A journey through the history of the Internet, including the origins of the World Wide Web, ethical use of information on the Web, and accessibility on the Web. This lesson includes an overview of the Client/Server model, World Wide Web building blocks, and more. It consists of a network of interlinked hypertext documents accessible over the Internet 3 first bricks: Uniform Resource Locators (URL) – unique identifiers for resources on the Web HyperText Markup Language.
Web 1.0
The World Wide Web with flat data is a “readable” phrase. Sites and users don’t interact very much in Web 1.0. Web 1.0 is simply an information portal where users passively receive information without being allowed to post reviews, comments, or feedback. In its earliest form, the Internet was called Web 1.0. The Internet was the first global network to offer the potential of digital communication and information sharing. As a whole, Web 1 consisted of a few people writing content and web pages for a large number of people. Therefore, anyone could see facts, information, and content related to a specific topic.
Essentially, the early Web consisted of web pages linked together using hyperlinks. You might think of the “read-only” Web as a massive digital encyclopedia that lacks the visuals, controls, forms, and interactivity associated with the Internet today. Some shopping cart applications, such as Craig’s List, can still be classified as web 1.0. Those applications only present information, or products, to visitors, as if they were a catalog. It was early, and much-needed information was still under study. Main pillars were HTML, graphics, filesystem, and static pages. Many companies decided to make sense of all the information in the world’s documents. Thus began the dot-com boom and bust cycle of the late 1990s. Through this, the physical world began to be digitized.
Web 1.0 consists of the HTML language and the TCP/IP, SMTP, and HTTP protocols. They are all open standards. Applications built on top of these protocols are what bring Web 1.0 its real value.
Web 2.0
The World Wide Web is the “writeable” aspect of the Internet with interactive data. With Web 2.0, web users can interact more freely with each other instead of with Web 1.0. It encourages collaboration and sharing of information. Many Web 2.0 applications such as Youtube, Wiki, Flickr, and Facebook. A vast number of people are making even more content with Web 2.0 instead of just a few people producing a great deal of content. Using this form of the Internet, users could post content, participate and interact, and easily integrate into other devices and systems. This meant basically that the end-user was in charge. Creating communities, collaborating, interacting, and using social media have become the norm for many individuals’ primary interaction with the Internet.
On a positive note, a few elements and essential factors were taken from web1.0 were included, such as APIs, dynamic contents, and sharing information which helped shape web2.0.Major content user-friendly was the biggest factor in achieving the target audience. Upgrades were done from time to time to get it advanced, and that’s how it revolutionized the current scenario. Web 2.0’s concepts are rich web applications, web-oriented architecture, and social media. Web 2.0 refers to the way web pages are designed and used by users without any corresponding changes in technical specifications.
There were advantages of this version. You can reach us at any time, anywhere. Multiple media options are available. Simple to use. Learners can actively participate in knowledge building. Dynamic learning communities can be created. It is possible to track each edit made by everyone, including the author and editor. It offers more sources for researchers, and updates are immediate. The discussion is in real-time. The use and impact were huge and reached every corner of the globe with a positive result.
Web 3.0
Web 3.0 represents the next phase in the evolution of the internet/web and represents the next paradigm shift, potentially as disruptive as Web 2.0. The core ideas of Web 3.0 are decentralization, openness, and increased user utility. The term relates to the “executable” part of the World Wide Web, which includes interactive services, dynamic applications, and machine-to-machine communication. Semantic Web 3.0 refers to the future of the Web. As part of Web 3.0, computers can interpret information like humans and intelligently create and deliver tailored content tailored to users’ needs.
Berners-Lee conceptualized the Semantic Web in 2001, but Web 3.0 has moved far beyond that concept. Quite a few reasons account for this, including the fact that it is very costly and extremely difficult to convert human language – with all its nuances and variations – into a format that is readily understood by computers and that Web 2.0 has already evolved significantly in the past two decades. The Semantic Web 3.0 initiative uses technologies based on natural language processing and Semantic Web concepts to make user interaction easier. However, it also includes various other elements, such as AI, machine learning, and trustless/permissionless systems, including blockchain and peer-to-peer networks.
Its blockchain software represents a brand new method of reimagining economies worldwide. The ability to control one’s own data and identity can be returned to individuals and communities instead of centralized institutions. The financial sector represents one of the major case studies for Web 3.0. In particular, decentralized finance. There’s reason to believe there are many other applications are under construction. The new features of Web 3.0, including decentralization and permissionless systems, will also give users much more control over their personal data. The practice of data extraction, meaning information collected about web users without their consent or compensation, could be curtailed, and network effects that have enabled industry giants to become near-monopolistic via exploitative advertising and marketing could be retrenched.
It is still a very young technology, and there is a lot of work to be done before it reaches the masses. It is starting to become popular now. It feels like we’re in the middle of a new economic era. Due to this, internet-only communities will change the way we live. There is a great opportunity to get involved in the new Internet. There are various stages of the Internet, such as Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0. Buzzwords such as these lack a clear meaning. Nevertheless, Web 1.0 was associated with static websites. Web 2.0 belongs to the world of interactive websites. The next phase will be concerned with web services and connotative markup.
Reading was the focus of web 1.0. In contrast, web 3.0 is the read-write era. This is what we are experiencing right now. The majority of our lives are now spent on websites, allowing people to interact with them and create more value. Today, digital advertising dominates the business model.rld. This model sells people’s attention to others and generates profit by capturing attention. The product is the people. Before, we were not aware of the scale of the problem. Internet privacy is a sensitive topic. It doesn’t seem like many people understand the significance of the issue. The product is free to use because of its flavor. Large amounts of data are destined for a few top users due to the fact that it’s free. Business models revolve around extracting more and more information from users. Being transparent about how data is used is the right approach to follow.
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