Inside Out Friends


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05 Sep 2022-06:07 am (UTC)

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Do you ever wonder what’s going on in someone’s head? Maybe a collection showing it? Meet the Inside Out Friends, a 5555 open-minded boys in their 20s chillin’ and vibin’ with illustrated different personalities. Created and hand-drawn by the author Stefan Jovanovic, a.k.a Stefanikius, the desire and challenge were to show through the collection the beauty of the inner diversity that people have as well as their acceptance.
The perfect combination is achieved by combining all hand-drawn traits through an algorithm that creates 5555 unique personalities, a 5555 unique men in their 20s. The uniqueness is reflected in the fact that each attribute has multiple meanings so that no person interprets it in the same way. At the same time, the collection is designed to improve the position of men, if we say “empower” it would seem too feminine, and the other thought would be that men get more power than women, but neither is true. The point is that we are also human beings, that we are not made of stone, that we also have feelings, needs, emotions, and, most importantly, that we need love. If we want a gender-equitable society, empowering women is not enough. Gender is a system and both women and men are integral parts of this system, and we strongly believe in it.

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