Weekly NFT Projects from Upcomingnft:
Find the exciting NFT projects from the Upcoming NFT project of the Week edition, Projects that will keep you guys on the edge of your seats. These projects are chosen by exploring the whole NFT marketspace to give you accurate information, so that you guys can be contented with the information.
Lots of NFT projects are launched everyday,from which we analyze good NFT Projects that can be worth your attention. So, get on your skates people! as we will be adding some really interesting projects which can become your next minting project.
Process followed in selecting the Projects:
- Find Correct Project Details
- A website which is good to go
- Community engagement and price ratio
- Find Future Roadmap
- Social Media followers/members’ Engagement
- Articles/NEWS/blog posts about the Project
- Compelling NFT art and transparency of the Project
- Group discussion with our research team
- Twitter polls (sometimes)
(Note: it is recommended to analyze the whole NFT project (before minting) by yourself as well to avoid falling into anything suspicious)
Upcomingnft privilege pass for NFT Collectors
Upcomingnft privilege pass for NFT Collectors [addtoany] I am here to talk about the amazing NFT project we are going to launch on 28 September 2022. From the initial period of the upcomingnft till today, upcomingnft constantly delivered the best user experience and delivered everything that users wanted in the first place from the NFT market space. Firstly, I would [ read more ...]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.36, 19-08-2022]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.36, 19-08-2022] [addtoany] Hello Guys, Welcome to the new version of NFT Projects of the week. I am back again to finding new, exciting, and promising NFT projects that are going to hit the NFT market space this upcoming week. NFT market space is a work in progress to deliver some great and best NFT [ read more ...]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.35, 13-08-2022]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.35, 13-08-2022] [addtoany] Hello There, It’s that time of the week again, and I have good news for you guys... Upcomingnft is soon going to release the Upcomingnft privilege pass to get more of the Upcomingnft market space with Upcomingnft tools and features. Well, let’s explore the Upcoming NFT projects that are going to hit [ read more ...]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.34, 05-08-2022]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.34, 05-08-2022] [addtoany] Hello, guys! Welcome to the New episode of NFT Projects of the Week. As always, I have found some new and exciting NFT projects that are going to hit the NFT marketspace this Upcoming week. NFT Marketspace is witnessing a good growth with so many exciting and promising NFT projects contributing in [ read more ...]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.33, 29-07-2022]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.33, 29-07-2022] [addtoany] Hello Guys, Welcome back to the fresh new episode of NFT Projects of the Week. Same as always, I am here with the new exciting NFT projects for this upcoming week. So many new projects are coming with free mint options to make the NFT community grow further. I found some interesting [ read more ...]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.32, 23-07-2022]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.32, 23-07-2022] [addtoany] Hello Guys, Welcome to the New episode of NFT projects of the Week. I am back with some new and exciting NFT projects this upcoming Week. NFT Marketspace is right now getting a lot of NFT projects and Artist contributions into the market. Here in this episode, let’s explore a few of [ read more ...]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.31, 15-07-2022]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.31, 15-07-2022] [addtoany] Hello Guys! Welcome to Version 31 of the NFT projects of the week. This is me again back with new and exciting NFT projects that are going to hit the NFT marketspace this upcoming week. A lot of NFT projects are coming to contribute their bit to the NFT market space, and [ read more ...]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.30, 09-07-2022]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.30, 09-07-2022] [addtoany] Hello Guys! Welcome to version 30 of NFT Projects of the Week. Metaverse Opportunities are increasing with the NFT expanding its presence all across the globe. Crypto enthusiasts are talking about NFTs and Investing in NFTs, which makes the NFT community grow more efficiently. As always, I have found some exciting projects [ read more ...]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.29, 01-07-2022]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.29, 01-07-2022] [addtoany] Hello Guys, Welcome back again! It’s Version 29 for NFT Projects of the Week Same as always, I am here to present a few of the most exciting NFT projects that are going to hit the NFT Marketspace this week. It’s time to collect NFTs... Let’s learn about these NFT Projects… 1. [ read more ...]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.28, 24-06-2022]
NFT Projects of The Week [V.28, 24-06-2022] [addtoany] Hello Beautiful people! It’s time for our favorite segment the NFT Projects of the Week It’s been difficult times for crypto and NFT investors in the past few days but the market is now recovering slowly. And good news is NFT community is bound to deliver their bit in the NFT market [ read more ...]